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Install SSL Certificate Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

Download and unzip your certificate files

Download and unzip your certificate files by clicking on the download link in your fulfillment email or from your GeoCerts SSL Manager account. You will find one .cer file that contains your domain SSL server certificate and any required intermediate CA certificates in PKCS#7 (P7B) format. Copy the file and save it on the same server you used to create the CSR.

  • your_domain_com.cer

Install the PKCS#7 SSL Server Certificate File

  1. Start the Exchange Management Shell. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
  2. Import and enable the SSL certificate using using Exchange Management Shell.
    Import-ExchangeCertificate --path c:\your_domain_com.cer | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services "IIS, SMTP, IMAP, POP"
    (Should be typed all on one line. You may or may not be using all of these services)

To learn more about Exchange Management Shell see Security Cmdlets

If you are running an ISA server you will need to export the certificate keys from your Exchange Server to your ISA server. See our tutorial on Windows SSL export/import for more info. You should also reboot your ISA server after the import.

Verify Installation

 To verify if your certificate is installed correctly, use our Certificate Installation Checker.

Test your SSL certificate by using a browser to connect to your server. Use the https protocol directive. For example, if your SSL was issued to, enter into your browser.

Your browser's padlock icon  will be displayed in the locked position if your certificate is installed correctly and the server is properly configured for SSL.

For IIS SSL troubleshooting, Microsoft has designed a tool - SSL Diagnostics - to aid in quickly identifying configuration problems in the IIS metabase, certificates, or certificate stores.