How Multi-Year SSL Subscription Plans Work
Save with multi-year discounts up to 6 years.
As of September 1, 2020, the maximum validity period for any SSL/TLS certificate is only one year. We are excited to offer Multi-Year Subscription bundles for periods of up to six years.
How multi-year SSL subscription plans work
Our Multi-year Subscription Plans allow you to pay a single discounted price for up to six years of SSL/TLS certificate coverage. With Multi-year Plans, you select the SSL/TLS certificate, the duration of coverage you want (up to six years), and the certificate validity period. Until the subscription plan expires, you simply reissue your certificate at no cost each time it reaches the end of its validity period.
Reissuing certificates in a Multi-year Plan
When the current active certificate for a Multi-year Plan is nearing expiration, you reissue the certificate to maintain your SSL/TLS coverage.
Multi-year: 2-year example
Scenario: Customer orders a 2 year ”subscription” – gets two 1 year certs

When you reissue SSL certificates for a Multi-year Plan, you can do the following:
Change or remove domains
You can change the domain(s) listed on your certificate as often as you like during the subscription plan period. This way you won't get stuck with a certificate you can't use if your domain changes or you want to repurpose it for another site. Removing and/or changing domains requires the issuing CA to revoke all previously issued certificates. The issuing CA usually waits 48-72 hours before revoking the original certificate and any existing duplicates and previous reissues.
Add domains
For our SSL products that support multiple-domains you can add additional domains (SANs) at any time during the subscription plan period. Adding domains may result in additional costs however prices for new domains are prorated based on the remaining time in the Multi-year Plan.
Reissue as often as you want
Reissue, free of charge, during the Multi-year Plan subscription period. Each time you reissue your certificate it will automatically be issued for the maximum validity period of 397-days (1 year plus 32 days), or the end of the Multi-year Plan, whichever is sooner.
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